Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Back from Rochester

I was visiting my parents over the weekend. I didn't bring my knitting, because I'm too paranoid about it being seized by airport security. I did do some crocheting, but I don't have pics of that. I got back last night.

Today I actually used my sewing machine. I made the "Flare Bag," the first pattern in a book called Bag Boutique by Amy Barickman. Since I really suck at sewing, I'm pretty pleased that this came out useable. I'm hoping to make some totes soon too.

I also finished the body and started the first sleeve of my "Not-Really-Something-Red" sweater. I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Plus, tomorrow Michelle and I are going to the Hub Mills Classic Elite warehouse store!


BEESTLYproducts said...

that bag is deluxe!!! how long have you been sewing?

Charles said...

HEY!!! Thats GREAT BAG!!!!
I really what to make a knitted bag..Like almost same bag you make!!

I saw your blog on "Knitxcore"(My guy)your great Kintter by the way!!!

Sweater looks really great!!! You almost there!!!


Gloria Quincy said...

Thanks, both of you! I have been sewing on and off for about a year, but I still have a lot to learn. I haven't gotten to sewing clothes yet, just accessories.

Anonymous said...

what is the hub mills classic elite warehouse store?

ps, bag looks nice! :-)

Anonymous said...

pps - really sorry i missed you last weekend!!

Gloria Quincy said...

The real question is, "What isn't the Hub Mills Classic Elite Store"?

Actually, it is the warehouse outlet for the Classic Elite Yarn Company, Michelle's favorite yarn manufacturer.

Gloria Quincy said...

Why, thank you!